Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues
This is some of the information we discussed in our first tutorial on this paper. To start with a definition of Information Technology is:
"The production, storage and communication of information using computers and micro-electronics" Hanks. P (ed). (1989) Collins concise Dictionary. Glasgow: Bath Press.

The production, storage and communication of information on computers have become largely common place in society today with computers in many homes. Another example would be microelectronics such as cellphones which are used by a large proportion of people in todays society for communication, storage and production of information, easily and quickly.

Today computers, cellphones, Ipods, etc. are common in our society today. I feel confident using these IT devices as they aware introduced into our society as i was growing up so they have been a large part of my life.

In my fieldwork experiences we used computers to store information, medical conditions, hospital databases. We also used them to teach clients new skills and experience for back to work programs. Cell phones were used for communication between staff and clients. Along with the internet to keep in contact with staff, the hospital intranet while at work and information sharing.

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